Dutch Lions academy celebrates Halloween

Dutch Lions academy celebrates Halloween

The Dutch Lions academy had their 4th ''Orange family'' event at Mike Greenwell's family fun park on the 30th of October.

It's not in the typical Dutch culture to celebrate Halloween so it was a perfect occasion for the Dutch Lions academy to combine traditions outside of soccer. Mike Greenwell's family fun park organizes Halloween events every year for all ages to enjoy getting scared and eating candy. Kids under 12 had the chance to dress up in their costume of choice and walk around the well decorated golf holes to collect candies from all local companies participating. Buckets were filled quickly and children were all smiles. When the sun finally set on the horizon, older kids reunited to wait for their turn to take the Haunted Hike through the forest. The hike was filled with scary stations and even scarier paths to get there. People were running away from crazy people to the next monster while screaming at the top of their lungs. It was a great bonding moment for teams and all ended the final sprint out of the forest in laughter.
